Saturday, April 18, 2015

Sheetrock Peeps

The biggest current project we have going on is a bathroom re-do. Edith has two guest rooms and a jack-&-jill between them. I wish I had the true before pictures - I think my mama does somewhere - but the current state is, well, a state. I never knew such a tiny space could have so many different pieces to tear apart and then put back together! It's a process... Dad's teaching us. He has a lot of patience, haha.

First, we ripped out the bathroom - dad has a gnarly knee scar to prove the toilet demolition occurred. Then we took down the wall between one of the bedroom closets and the bathroom so that we could extend the future shower. We pulled out the floor boards, which were almost rotted through, replaced them, and then rebuilt the closet/shower wall. We've begun sheetrock-ing the walls and dad and Jonny have become very well acquainted with the crawlspace while rerouting the plumbing. The plumbing is still a work in progress and the electric is the next step. Thank goodness for the boys teaming up on everything under the house so that I can stay above ground :)

[The new closet.]

 [Preparing the shower walls for concrete board.]


We didn't do a good job of documenting Easter this year but Jonny and I joined my parents and family friends at my Aunt&Uncle's house with my cousins. We always have the best food at holiday get togethers - mmm, potato casserole. And my sweet mom put together Easter baskets for J and me. I wish Walgreens carried coconut nests year-round.

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