Monday, April 20, 2015

Hoping for Green Thumbs

Last weekend we finally got some plants in the ground between all of these April showers. Lots of rain, lots of mud, and not a lot of sun so far. I hope they aren't drowning in their new beds already. We need them to survive long enough to show off in August!

 [Grower's Outlet is amazing. I went back to the check-out twice because I kept finding new plants.]

 [Our little (h)erb box. So looking forward to no longer wasting grocery store bushels.]

[These bad boys were the only plants that came with actual markers.]

[For the rest, I had to take a photo of each plant next to its pot so that I could remember which is which. Upcoming project - plant markers across the board.

[The beginnings of a banana pepper. I predict that this little guy will be solely responsible for homemade pizza explorations.

So far, our garden consists of: 3 Tomato varieties - Better Boy, Celebrity & Whopper (hehe); 5 Pepper types - Bell, Jalapeno, Banana, Poblano & California Wonder; and lots of Herbs - Mint, Rosemary, Chives, Parsley, Basil, Sage, Oregano, & Cilantro.

There's still some room in the herb bed, so we'd like to add cucumbers or peas or some other type of veg soon - might be best to make a list or something to keep myself on track at the outlet. And I overlooked Thyme - a very important part of Gordon Ramsey's Steak-101 - so that needs to get in there asap. But, it's a start. Glad to finally have J's hard work being put to good use.

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