Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Still Working Over Here

These last few months have been busy to say the least. A wedding to plan. A house to reinvent. City and regional payoffs to compete in. Career decisions to be made. Birthdays and holidays to celebrate. Life has been a whirlwind, and we've been swept up in it and swept away from the steady progress of the beginning of this blog.

Here's a snapshot of the accomplishments we've made so far on the bathroom reno and our little garden. With only two months left until W-Day, we are feeling the pressure to wrap up the rest of the house! Stay tuned.

The Bathroom.
When we last left off, we were in the process of updating the electric and changing around the plumbing. With those two pieces done, dad and I concrete-boarded the floor, fitted a curb to hold the future door, and set up the initial slope to keep water from pooling (and prevent the type of rot we had to demo originally). To dad's happy surprise, J was a pro at laying the concrete - this will forever-after be his calling on all home projects, I'm afraid :) and the boys fitted in the shower spouts and began dry-walling the non-shower walls. It's beginning to look a lot like a bathroom again!

[The start of a floor.]

[Sloping and plumbing.]

[What a natural.

[The other side of the bathroom, patiently awaiting fixtures.]

The Garden.
I'll admit that I was a bit over-enthused when planting the garden. Our little plants turned into massive, monster-plants almost overnight! Particularly the tomatoes - they overwhelmed their little pepper box-mates as well as the tiny cages that contained them. We were forced to do some reshuffling in order to get everyone the sun and space they needed, so... we dug them up and replanted. And reaped some spoils for our efforts!

[Tom-ies out of control.] 

[Moved a few of the peppers into the herb bed. Look at how big the basil is getting!]

[Additional space for the other ousted peppers.

[The spiciest jalapenos you ever did eat.]

[Rebar replaced the too-small cages and I used my grandma's trick of panty-hose to add support.]

[Happily-contained tomatoes.

[Success! Our first veggies of the season.]